Terminal 2 Forecourt Remediation Project
Perth Airport Pty Ltd

Terminal 2 Forecourt Remediation

Talis was commissioned by Perth Airport Pty Ltd to prepare detailed designs for the remediation and redesign of the Terminal 2 Forecourt. The existing pavers were failing which was causing safety issues and ongoing maintenance.

Recognising that the pavers used in the forecourt weren’t commercially available anymore, Talis developed innovative design options for the remediation project. The final design outcome was to reduce the paved area in the forecourt by approximately 30% by introducing soft landscaping.

To determine the locations of placing soft landscaping, Talis undertook a review of the forecourt and of the main traffic desire lines to determine where people and vehicles were trafficking.

Talis developed a sustainable design by proposing the crushing of broken pavers to be used as mulch in the garden beds. As well as implementing water sensitive urban design solutions through flush mountable kerbs, rain gardens and infiltration swales.