Infrastructure Maintenance – Maintenance providers and infrastructure owners have very specific Asset Management needs. We provide specialised resources and consulting services to optimise long-term contract value and ensure the right money is spent in the right place at the right time.
Asset Inventory Development and Maintenance
We help clients with infrastructure asset inventory development and maintenance by providing expertise and specialised services to collect, analyse and manage data on the client’s infrastructure assets. We work with the client to identify the key inputs and assumptions that will drive the inventory development process, conduct site visits and inspections, review and analyse existing data and create an inventory of the client’s infrastructure assets. We also establish an ongoing maintenance and update schedule to ensure that the inventory remains accurate and up to date.

Asset Condition Assessment
Talis provides a comprehensive evaluation of the physical condition of infrastructure assets. The process helps clients understand the state of their assets and prioritise their maintenance and rehabilitation needs. This includes:
- Defect Identification
- Detailed capture of defect severity and extent ratings
- GIS Mapping and geolocation of defects
- Condition assessment of individual asset components and summary of component ratings into overall condition index scores
- Infrastructure condition assessments according to relevant specifications (IPWEA, VicRoads, Maloney Model, WALGA)
- Asset condition assessments including roads, paths, drains and other assets
- Field validation of works programmes

KPI Reporting
Key Performance Indicator (KPI) reporting is a way for asset managers to track and communicate the performance of their investments to clients and stakeholders. This typically includes metrics such as return on investment (ROI), risk-adjusted return, and net asset value (NAV). At Talis, our experienced Asset Management Consultants undertake KPI reporting for clients by:
- Establishing agreed-upon performance metrics that align with the client’s investment objectives
- Collecting and analysing relevant data to assess the performance of the client’s investments
- Creating performance reports that communicate the key metrics and insights
- Providing commentary and recommendations to help the client understand the results and make informed decisions about future investments.
- Developing specific KPI targets relevant to organisational goals
Performance Modelling
Performance modelling is the process of using historical data and statistical techniques to predict future performance and identify potential risks. Our consultants work closely with our clients to identify the key inputs and assumptions that will drive the model. These may include historical data on the asset’s performance and usage, as well as information on the asset’s lifecycle, maintenance requirements, and future demand. The consultant will also take into account the unique characteristics of the assets and the communities they serve, such as population demographics, economic conditions and community needs. Our consultants also ensure that the model and the proposed investment strategy comply with the relevant government regulations and standards. This not only helps clients make more informed decisions about future investments in their assets but also understand the potential risks and returns associated with different assets, and to make informed decisions about when and how to invest in the asset’s maintenance and improvements, as well as when to dispose of the asset.
Data Management, Analysis & Business Intelligence
At Talis, we provide thorough Data management, Analysis and Business Intelligence that is a critical component of effective asset management. The process includes:
- Review existing asset registers and conduct gap analysis of existing asset inventories
- Review, development and recommendation of asset data structures, asset hierarchy and asset attribute information
- Development of data dictionaries
- Review data integration/cohesion across asset management systems
- Assess data currency
- Provide detailed level analysis and structured reports for asset management purposes

Maintenance & Renewal Optimisation
Maintenance & Renewal Optimisation is an important process for ensuring the efficient and effective management of our clients’ infrastructure assets. We review and analyse existing maintenance and renewal plans and determine the most optimised programs for maintaining and renewing assets. This process involves:
- Review and analysis of existing maintenance and renewal plans to determine optimised programs. Includes consideration of confined budget scenarios, multiple asset types, asset location and mobilisation factors
- Review of existing asset strategies/plans and the impact on maintenance and renewal programs. Recommendation on improving existing practices to optimise programs.