Contact Us
Western Australia
Greg Barrett
Principal Environmental Consultant
Lee-Anne Stewart
Principal Environmental Consultant Lead
Andrew Mack
Environmental Services Section leader
New South Wales
Darren Holloway
Principal Environmental Consultant

The Talis Environmental Services section understands the needs of our mining, resources and industrial clientele and has worked on projects throughout Australia and internationally.

We have significant experience in all aspects of mining and industrial activities, covering Exploration, Due Diligence, Operational Approvals, Environmental Impact Assessment, Management, Monitoring, Compliance, Closure Planning and Rehabilitation. We also have staff with qualifications in auditing and can provide these services across a range of environmental and WHS standards.

Our experienced consultancy and broad knowledge of the mining and industrial sector can provide a clear path through the approvals and compliance processes. Our staff have qualifications and experience in science, engineering and law and hail from a variety of backgrounds and experiences, enabling us to successfully manage and facilitate mining and industrial projects.

Furthermore, we offer the additional advantage of staff that have worked within government agencies responsible for regulating mining and industrial operations and have continued to provide services to these agencies.

We pride ourselves on being able to navigate project proposals, through often complex and sensitive approvals processes, and assist with ongoing compliance. Our primary objective is to achieve the required cost-effective commercial outcomes for our clients whilst providing compliance and beneficial outcomes in relation to the protection and management of the environment.

Environmental Approvals and Approvals Strategies

Talis is experienced in planning, preparing and managing complex environmental approvals under key Australian environmental legislation. This involves understanding the likely approval requirements for a given project, whether State and Federal approvals are likely to be required, development of realistic timelines for obtaining approvals, liaison with government agencies and development and delivery of documentation in a timely manner.

Environment - Mining and Industrial

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

EIA involves understanding the environmental impacts of a project across a range of factors, how the impacts can be mitigated, and the expected residual impacts after avoidance and/or realistic management measures have been implemented. If the residual environmental impacts are significant, Talis has experience in the development of offset strategies to balance impacts with environmental benefits. Talis has significant expertise in compiling comprehensive but coherent documentation for government agencies and for public consultation to review during the assessment process.

Environment - Mining and Industrial

Mining Proposals, Mine Closure Plans and Other Approvals and Reporting

Talis specialises in the development of documentation required under the Western Australian Mining Act 1978. This involves formulation of mine plans to allow assessment of their environmental acceptability, for both the operational phase and for mine closure. Talis also has experience in preparing approval documents for mineral exploration and related documentation, such as conservation management plans. Talis also routinely assists companies with their annual environmental reporting.

Environmental Management Plans

Talis prepares environmental management plans for companies seeking to manage a particular environmental issue through to management of all of their environmental impacts and related management systems. Key considerations in the formulation of these plans are technical feasibility, quality of monitoring data and costs associated with implementation.

Operations – Advice and Investigations

Talis is also able to provide general advice on legal aspects of environmental management, management of environmental non-compliances, assistance with consultation with government agencies and development of management strategies for significant environmental issues that are potentially actionable.

Compliance Management and Auditing

Talis has assisted a number of companies with management of their environmental compliance. This has involved compilation of a legal obligations register to use both as a comprehensive and accessible source of all obligations and as a basis for self-auditing.

Talis also retains experienced environmental and WHS auditors where an independent view of compliance is required.

Environment - Mining and Industrial


Talis routinely prepares submissions under the Western Australian Mining Rehabilitation Fund (MRF) to allow companies to comply with their obligations under the Mining Rehabilitation Fund Act 2012. Talis can also provide general advice about mine rehabilitation and issues likely to affect rehabilitation success.

Spatial Services

Talis provides specialist spatial services involving the analysis of spatial data for environmental applications and the generation of high-quality cartographic figures for reports. Talis uses ArcGIS software.


Talis Environmental boasts a diverse team of highly qualified professionals proficient in a comprehensive array of auditing disciplines, encompassing Environment, Occupational Health and Safety, dam safety, and hazardous materials. Our team members possess extensive experience in conducting training courses related to auditing requirements and certifications, and we have a proven track record in delivering internationally recognized services to a wide spectrum of clients.